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Twitch Changes/Future Plans


Courtesy of Adam_AK. Spreading the word to you guys: https://pastebin.com/U6PhGYTm

--- Quote ---tl;dr version:
-- Stream delay is being set to the minimum (2s chunks) for more streams. The main focus group for this would be smaller streams that rely more heavily on chat interaction (a lot of speedrunning streams, inter alia). If successful, it will be further extended.
-- Audio muting appeals are handled by a small team atm, but it's being expanded. Regardless of response time, report any unjustified audio muting. The more reports there are, the better it can be refined. Remember: Game audio is never meant to be flagged!
-- Audio is being removed from VoDs, but it's also stored separately. Once the muting system has been improved beyond the 30 minute chunks (ETA: weeks/few months, depends on AudibleMagic), audio may be restored to older VoDs. This is resource intensive, however.
-- Separate audio channels for streams has become part of pipeline to be put in the product plan. No engineers working on this full time yet, but given the awesome applicability, don't be surprised to see it one day. Example: Multiple commentary audio streams for AGDQ on a single Twitch channel.
-- More transparency of changes/updates via partnered channels (which is why you're reading this pastebin!). Easy way to diffuse information to specific communities.
--- End quote ---

He links a screen of a stream that's already down to 6 seconds delay (though I'm assuming this is a best case scenario) and that is pretty awesome news.

Oh man.


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