Fangames > Unfinished / Incomplete

I Wanna Be The Sublime (Alpha 4.0)

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I'm making some videos of this game, and I had to post here because I can't register on IWBT Forums.

[REMOVED LINK] - Part 7 has childish things in it so don't watch it, unless you're childish.

I also pointed out some windows 8 specific bugs as well as all around bugs.

[ADMIN EDIT: Try not to advertise out side of video discussion]


--- Quote from: BoshyMan741 on August 22, 2014, 07:34:41 PM ---I'm making some videos of this game, and I had to post here because I can't register on IWBT Forums. - Part 7 has childish things in it so don't watch it, unless you're childish.

I also pointed out some windows 8 specific bugs as well as all around bugs.

--- End quote ---

I'm slightly late on this but this forum does have a video discussion, you can post the videos there, not here.

Oops sorry didn't mean to do that. I'm new to the forums.  :denMiku:


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