Fangames > Engines
RegalPrime-UnityEngine v1.4.1 - 8-18-15
Patch notes for this version
RegalPrime - UnityEngine v1.4.1 - 8-18-15 - Created in Unity 5.1.2f1 Personal
This engine includes the entire cat game and avoidance boss for reference on how things work (in the scenes folder)
The download is the entire project zipped up. This is so the editor / build settings would remain intact
The prefabs are all segmented into folders and are pretty much drag and drop (certain variables might have to be set on the object to make it work how you want it to)
Most of the scripts are commented on and have a small description on what they do (some are a bit weak in this regard though)
Basic video tutorial for this engine
(click to show/hide)
Questions and whatnot can be posted here or you can PM me. - Download unity3d from here - Tutorials are here (if your not familiar with the editor and whatnot)
- GAME DOWNLOAD - I Wanna Help the Cat v1.3 - 1-23-15
The pixel version moves the guy via transforms and has a small collider buffer.
The physics version moves the guy via physics and has a fatter collider buffer.
Release of the avoidance boss I was working on.
Pretty much was created to test out the remake of an old script dealing with creation / manipulation / timing of GameObjects
Old Engine Versions
(click to show/hide)RegalPrime - UnityEngine v1.4 - 8-8-15 - Created in Unity 5.1.2f1 Personal
RegalPrime - UnityEngine v1.3 - 6-4-15 - Created in Unity v5.0.2f1 Personal
RegalPrime - UnityEngine v1.2 - 4-29-15 - Created in Unity 4.6.1f1
RegalPrime - UnityEngine v1.1 - 1-23-15 - Created in Unity 4.6.1f1
Hello. I think I know where this idea came from... :Kappa:
I'm building my game on a Unity guy engine that I made earlier this year. I made it completely from scratch, not using a single pre-made controller, asset or prefab. It's quite different from a regular "guy game" and I'm sure you've seen it "somewhere" before, right? :Kappa:
I'm glad to see that people are learning from my attempts to develop better tools and content for guy games.
PS: I'd like to know what coding language you are using for this project of yours. I personally use C#.
PSS: If you need advice on some things, I'd be glad to help.
***Important Edit:
I played your game. I instantly noticed some key aspects that also affected me with my engine.
-The controls are sloppy/unresponsive. A guy game needs "pixel precise" controls, or else the player will not be able to do those precise jumps.
-The physics don't feel right. There's too much gravity. The Kid moves way too fast and does not stop when you let go of the button. (Hint: don't use Input.GetAxis("Horizontal") for direct horizontal button inputs. You can use it, but not the way you are using it right now.)
-The moving platforms are solid. (Intentional?) In a regular guy game you can jump up through them.
-If you're using an array or a list to keep all the music together, try not to do that. If the user creates a big game with many music files referenced in this single array, the editor might freeze, or even crash. (From experience, try not to put more than 3-5 large music file references in the same object.)
Actually I just came to Unity because I hated how gamemaker language works and decided to use a real programming language.
Using C# (c++ and java are my cores but its not like c# is much different). I think yours was the metroidvania type game which for general guy engine purposes wont help the "average" guy gamemaker make a game in unity. Hopefully trying to make this as noob friendly as possible (which kinda takes more code than I would like :p). Drag and drop, drag and drop, thats what they like right?? lol Unity is good for that.
Overall, the unresponsiveness is not an oversight its just not important at the moment. I got the values somewhat close and left it at that. I feel that after I put in vine climbing and stuff (and tie said animations in), I will need to add to the playercontroller anyways and at that point will clean up and rewrite some of the code (pretty messy atm). Some of my functions really need to be swaped out for coroutines too.
Solid platforms, ya, on my list of things todo.
My music controller is a singleton that only holds 1 clip / source. It has all of the function / coroutines for fade effects / loading / unloading and stuff. Putting / triggering another music controller will trigger reference checks and compare songs. Puts a new song on the controller and deletes the duplicate controller (fade effects and timing are public stuff on the prefab). Not having access to singletons and coroutines in gamemaker just makes my head spin lol. So at this point, no more than 1 song is in memory at a time.
Not sure if in the future I might need a different coroutines that uses effects and 2 songs (which in case I will have to put another clip on the controller), but I will deal with that when something requires it (step by step, no use putting in stuff that isnt needed atm)
Took a break from really adding to the controllers atm (it just not fun because you dont see your game grow) and adding well built prefabs. Vines / jump through platforms / wall vine things will prob be next. I think I made these few screens in a few minutes (prefabs too OP).
Its been a couple of weeks that I've been working on this project and I figured it was time to post here and get some basic feedback.
I figure people might get more interested in it when they see a project grow and more stuff is added.
I played shortly through your demo stages and noticed that the kid has some kind of acceleration. I know that the physics are not a priority atm but your game simply won't work if you cannot do precise movement.
Otherwise these slow-mo triggers are really cool! Keep up the work!
I think this was a fun idea, recreating the standard iwbtg game physics and other elements in Unity. Sounds like you had fun working on it. But I think that no matter what, even with a lot of tweaking, there would always be noticeable deficiencies when compared to the standard Game Maker base ("engine") that everyone uses. Since iwbtg games have been around for a while, and the community has really explored and gotten used to the physics and other things in the Game Maker base, even a polished Unity game would simply not be up to par by default. However I totally encourage you to keep working on this project if you're having fun and learning. I'll definitely check out your progress. As a side note, I've been using Unity myself for ~6 months now and I love it.
--- Quote from: RegalPrime on August 02, 2014, 04:38:10 PM ---Actually I just came to Unity because I hated how gamemaker language works and decided to use a real programming language.
Using C# (c++ and java are my cores but its not like c# is much different). I think yours was the metroidvania type game which for general guy engine purposes wont help the "average" guy gamemaker make a game in unity. Hopefully trying to make this as noob friendly as possible (which kinda takes more code than I would like :p). Drag and drop, drag and drop, thats what they like right?? lol Unity is good for that.
--- End quote ---
This made me kind of upset. I can respect your decision to use Unity over Game Maker, because you might prefer the way Unity does some things to the way GM does them. But you can't call GM "not a real programming language." I don't think that's a valid question to ask of either GM or Unity. Both GM and Unity are game engines of sorts, and take care of most aspects of the game pipeline. They both have extensive GUI editors. They both use script based programming. They're both well respected and are good at what they do.
As a side note, sometime last year I spent a little time trying to recreate the basic iwbtg physics, etc. in Haxe using HaxePunk (, since I'm quite familiar with it, and I thought it would be better than programming in GM 8.1. I gave up because even though the physics were pretty close, the differences were noticeable, and I concluded it really wasn't worth it to improve them, since they would never be perfect (valign, jump cancelling would be very tedious to do, and probably impossible to get exactly right).
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