I Wanna Community
Fangames => Gameplay & Discussion => Topic started by: Destructor Destroyer on July 11, 2016, 07:35:24 PM
httpss://cdn.discordapp.com/attachments/186272170937155584/202186370452553728/Screenshot_59.png Does anyone know how to do this jump in consistently? I'm struggling, i don't know how to midair cancel and not comfortable with rebinds. Thanks for the assistance.
I'm only going to reply once here.
The fact is with that jump is that if you got this far you should already be aware that just by analyzing it you really don't need cancels for that jump, it's just a very slight bonus.
And if you're uncomfortable with the rebinds, try binding other keys, A to S for jump or maybe X and C, if you aren't comfortable with the rebinds that is really your problem and one you have to solve on your own, no needle player can help you with any of that.
If you made it this far, then seriously, work this one out, it's common sense to think of every possibility even when they sound crazy.
Honestly thats just a hard jump. I got stuck on it for a while when I got there. It comes down to learning how to do the bottom and then learning the height to full jump through the top. You also have infinite jump when you touch that red thing