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Fangames => Gameplay & Discussion => Topic started by: buttholesurfer on November 21, 2014, 07:54:01 AM

Title: On using controllers instead of keyboards
Post by: buttholesurfer on November 21, 2014, 07:54:01 AM
After having broke my only playable keyboard and not having enough money for a new one I have downloaded joy2key and am using it with my 360 controller.  However I'm having an extremely hard time acclimating to it.  What are peoples favorite control setups for the game?  I have tried both using the joystick and the triggers for movement and they both seem really weird, I guess I'm just too used to always having one finger over Left and Right.  How do you controller players set it up?
Title: Re: On using controllers instead of keyboards
Post by: OhNoezEinPandy on November 21, 2014, 08:34:52 AM
I would prefer triggers but a xbox 360 gamepad is just imprecise in general. If you can afford it, I would advise you to get a playstation controller clone and keep aware of the triggers.

I used an original PS3 controller with a programm called libusb32bit when I played with a controller. Nowadays I just use the Logitech K120 keyboard which you can usually get for 5 €.
Title: Re: On using controllers instead of keyboards
Post by: ShadowsDieAway on November 22, 2014, 02:30:12 AM
I use a PS3 controller, these binds I've found to work out great for any situation:

Title: Re: On using controllers instead of keyboards
Post by: ShadowsDieAway on November 23, 2014, 06:21:41 AM
I should also note that if you want to spam shoot in games such as Boshy, I usually use RB (R2 on PS3 controllers) so I can use two fingers to spam.
Title: Re: On using controllers instead of keyboards
Post by: lemonxreaper on November 23, 2014, 11:19:59 AM
I use an xbox 360 controller, for binds I use

A = Left Shift
B = Right Shift
Dpad = arrow keys
Left bumper = R
Right Bumper = Left Shift
Left Trigger = Z (in games that require X to be used, this gets changed to X, such as iwbtGalaxy)
Right trigger = Z
Start = P
Select = Enter
X = S